
All BeCAuse TwO PeOpLe feLL iN LOve...

Phil & Jane have been married 40 years this June. They have 7 daughters and 3 sons, 31 grandkids. Here are photos of Phil & Jane's kids, with their families. (The only photo missing is Mike's family photo.)


Lorrie said...

Holy Cow! It's crazy...I don't even recognize half your family anymore. And I really don't recognize the grandkids! You have an awesome family. Thanks for sharing.

Grammajo said...

Wow, I know your kids, but the grandkids I'm afraid I won't be keeping up with them. You guys have done a great job with your family and then 40 years coming up. Wow, 40 years, it sounds like a long time, yet can't believe it's been 40 years.